The hospitality industry is facing a perfect storm: severe staff shortages, burnout, and rising operational costs.
The hospitality industry is facing a perfect storm: severe staff shortages, burnout, and rising operational costs.
In 2024, big-scale events were back in a big way. The Summer Olympics, international soccer tournaments in both North America and Europe, and political campaigns that criss-crossed the country.
2025 is set to be even bigger. January brings a Presidential Inauguration to Washington, D.C. while February will see Super Bowl LIX in New Orleans. Annual technology and pop culture touchstone South by Southwest in Austin, Texas will host north of 350,000 in March. Heck, even World Wrestling Entertainment’s annual “WrestleMania” promotion, scheduled this year for April in Las Vegas, brings nearly 150,000 attendees from around the world to its host city for the two-day event.
As technology evolves, experts find new ways to strengthen security and amplify health management in retirement homes. Senior care technology is reshaping the landscape of senior living from ensuring safety in their daily activities and promoting health to elevating social connections and streamlining operations.
The senior living industry generates revenue exceeding $94 billion annually, highlighting its significance in the healthcare and real estate sectors. As the industry continues to evolve, encompassing various housing and residential care options tailored to the needs of older adults, the role of technology within these facilities has become increasingly paramount. For those with aging parents, selecting the right tech gadgets can significantly enhance independent living and their ability to age in place safely.
The senior living sector has experienced significant growth over recent years, with annual revenue increasing from $78.2 billion in 2016 to $94.2 billion in 2023. This upward trajectory underscores the industry’s expanding footprint and critical role in today’s healthcare and housing landscapes.
Among other businesses with facilities that require multiple telephone lines that run to various locations in numerous rooms, companies in the hospitality, multifamily, and senior living sectors place an extremely high value on their private branch exchange (PBX) telephone services. Briefly defined, a PBX is a small, on-premises telephone system that an organization operates independently of any outside public telephone network. While an outside telephone company may act as a supplier or provider for certain PBX operations, each PBX system is privately acquired and managed by the specific enterprise that owns it.
It is impossible to overestimate the importance of digital connectivity in the modern property management industry, whether you are working in the hospitality, senior living, or multi-family residential sector.
Business market research professionals such as Inkwood Research’s Sherry Thomas generally agree that unified communication (UC) systems offer tremendous advantages to the organizations that implement and use them. Thomas describes the many ways in which UC systems enhance the ease and flexibility of communications to boost productivity, tighten security, slash operational costs, and drive business growth.
You don’t have to be a diehard sports maniac to enjoy March Madness, but if you are, you probably have key dates from March 17 to April 8 already marked on your calendar. From the intimal lineup and scheduling announcements of Selection Sunday to the final NCAA Championship game, March Madness fans are treated to thrill after thrill this time of year.
Every year brings new, developing trends and challenges to the hotel and hospitality industry. While there are some common challenges, like staffing shortages, changing consumer demands, and creating a great experience, there is one main developing trend that all hoteliers need to be aware of. The rise of technology and connectivity within a hotel is taking center stage, and you need to be aware of how you can incorporate Wifi into your guest experiences. Technology has become an integral part of the hospitality industry, particularly when it comes to guest experience. In order for hoteliers to stay ahead of trends and remain competitive in the industry, they need to prioritize their wifi and connectivity networks. Understanding why this is important as well as what you can do to ensure your network is up to date will help you deliver a great experience for guests.