The Impact of OTT on Hotels

In the age of streaming, it’s not surprising that Americans are increasingly consuming over-the-top (OTT) content. A 2022 study from Parks Associates found that 83 million U.S. households engage in OTT viewing. This number is expected to increase for the foreseeable future.

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Technology Innovation for Senior Living—Does It Make An Impact?

Innovation is happening all around us. From artificial intelligence (AI) to 3-D printing, countless breakthroughs have changed the way we liveimproving efficiency in our daily routines and also in the workplace. Many industries have embraced these technologies, but what does innovation look like for the senior living industry?

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The Importance of a Modern Hotel TV System

For years, the guest room television wasn’t a high priority for many hotel operators unless the property had free HBO. While consumer technology quickly advanced, from picture and performance to over-the-top (OTT) capabilities, the hotel TV remained stagnant, taking years to even bring high definition (HD) to the guest room. However, the television is a vital part of the guest experience, and you need comparable video services to what your guests are accustomed to at home to make them feel comfortable.

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Top Tech Priorities for Senior Living Communities in 2021

The senior living technology boom has been a long time coming. Tech was not always a priority for older adults, but in recent years, usage has skyrocketed among seniors. More seniors are moving into communities with smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other wireless gadgets, and the number of devices will only increase as time goes on. The shift towards connected communities has been gradualwhen the pandemic hit, however, the industry was forced to jump headfirst into modern technology in order to keep residents safe and healthy while maintaining their quality of life and mental health.

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Boosting Resident Engagement During COVID

Many U.S. states have started to relax coronavirus restrictions, but older adults are advised to continue sheltering in place, as they are some of the most vulnerable to the virus. While some senior living communities have chosen to allow visitors, the vast majority continue with strict no-visitor rules. While this is the best way to keep residents safe, the loneliness has taken a toll on many.

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[Infographic] Technology Trends of 50+ Adults

Technology usage is growing among older adults, and has certainly had a big impact on senior living operations and its residents.

The outbreak of COVID-19 this year shows just how important it is for seniors to have the ability to stay virtually connected to loved ones. Solutions such as television systems and building-wide managed Wi-Fi can’t be overlooked, as they deliver much needed entertainment and connectivity for residents.

The evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT) has also brought us voice recognition solutions, safety sensors, and smart home technology for security cameras and thermostats. These applications can provide users with more freedom and a higher quality of life, making the senior living environment better for both residents and operators. Additionally, older adults are continuing to adopt more devices like smartphones and smart speakers.

Many healthcare IT leaders are also looking ahead to increasing numbers of Baby Boomers retiring and seeking to prepare to match their expectations for a connected technology experience. 

Based off recent research completed by AARP, we've put together this comprehensive infographic on growing technology trends for adults 50+.

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Resident Technology is No Longer A “Nice-to-Have” – It Is A Must-Have

The last few weeks have taken all of us for quite a wild ride. America has been through other pandemics, terrorist attacks, and recent wars, but nothing has completely shifted our way of life like COVID-19 in recent history. The worldwide pandemic has brought our country to a near halt and put immense pressure on our nation’s healthcare system, and our readiness for this situation.

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Not Every Hotel Television Solution Is Made Equal: Keep These Differences in Mind

Television is still very relevant in the Hospitality industry for a simple reason: You need video services to make your guests feel comfortable. Even if that content isn’t delivered over traditional cable wires, guests still enjoy television programming—even as over-the-top (OTT) disruptors like Netflix have shaken up the industry.

That said, not every hotel television solution is alike.

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How Healthcare Property Television Services Have Improved

As the manager of a senior living property or skilled nursing facility, you’re focused on doing everything you can to ensure your residents are comfortable in your community. One of the more streamlined ways to accomplish that is to offer your residents television services that mimic the experiences they’ve grown accustomed to in recent years.

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All About Using On-Demand Content and Casting

The rise of the Internet and the proliferation of high-speed networks have transformed the way people watch television and movies—and, by extension, have changed the way they consume content at hotels and other Hospitality properties. Thanks to the emergence of over-the-top (OTT) content and on demand streaming solutions, people can watch shows and movies at their own convenience, instead of relying on hardware technology such as a VCR or DVR.

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