Do You Have the Right Internet Setup for Your Senior Living Community?

When we talk about residents of senior living in 2019, we’re referring to members of the baby boomer and Gen X generations. Baby boomers are much more technologically adept than their counterparts from a few decades ago. In fact, a recent Pew study found that 40 percent of seniors now own smartphones. More specifically, 59 percent of 65- to 69-year-olds and 49 percent of 70- to 74-year-olds are smartphone owners.  

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The Differences Between Hosted and Premise Voice Solutions

Are you happy with your Hospitality property’s voice solution? Or have you considered the benefits of upgrading to a new system?

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Allbridge and TraknProtect Commit to Keep Hospitality Staff Safe

Hospitality general managers work to create an environment that is safe for both guests and employees. Unfortunately, sexual harassment of employees has been a significant problem in hotel properties.

According to an analysis by the Center for American Progress, more than 25 percent of sexual harassment charges filed from 2005 to 2015 were from workers in service-focused industries. Of more than 41,000 charges reviewed, 14.2 percent of charges were filed from accommodation or food service workers.

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New Jersey Staff Safety Law: What Hoteliers Need to Know

Hotels in New Jersey with 100+ rooms are now required by law to provide staff alert devices to their employees before the end of 2019. This is according to New Jersey Senate Bill 2986, which Governor Phil Murphy signed into law on June 11th, 2019. The bill itself goes into detail regarding the reasoning behind it:

“Due to the unique nature of hotel work, hotel employees are particularly vulnerable to unsafe working conditions because they often work alone in hotel guest rooms, which sometimes may be occupied. This solitary work places them at risk of assault, including sexual assault, and sexual harassment. However, some hotel employers have not adequately addressed the safety concerns of hotel employees.”

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Why Your Senior Living Facility Should Consider a New Video Provider

The baby boomer generation is changing the way senior living properties operate. Not only are these individuals more independent and tech-savvy then their historical counterparts, but they’re also living longer. According to the Social Security Administration, a man who turns 65 today will live to be 84 on average, and a woman who turns 65 today will live to be 86.5.

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How IoT Improves Staff Safety in the Hospitality Industry

Guest needs are not the only priority for property managers and owners; maintaining a safe environment for staff is another critical challenge to address. Industry-wide mandates ensure that hospitality properties of all sizes remain focused on developing a safe environment for all staff.

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Is Cable TV Still Needed at Your Student Housing Community?

"Cable TV is dead."

We have all heard this statement, and we’ve seen articles building up the ‘cord-cutting revolution.’ Consumers are absolutely cutting the cord from traditional television in large numbers, and students maybe even more so. However, while we may not be watching TV in the traditional methods as much, statistics show that we are consuming as much video as before, if not more.

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Millennials vs. Gen Z: How Their Differences May Impact Your Business

Over the past 5-10 years, Millennials (individuals born between 1980 and 1995) have been the primary target for hotels and student housing communities alike. Many hotel chains have launched minimalist brands to appeal to this population, and student housing developers have tailored their design concepts to be Millennial-focused with minimalist, modern features, co-working spaces, and open-concept lounges.

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HITEC Hot Product: Employee Safety Devices (ESDs)

HITEC Minneapolis, the world's oldest and largest Hospitality technology show, wrapped up last week after several days of essential education from industry experts and access to new, innovative products from top vendors. With everything from voice-enabled devices to robots, there was a variety of new solutions available for the market; however, one of the most popular products was a simple device developed to support employee safety from TraknProtect, a provider of real-time location technology.

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[Infographic] What to Expect During Allbridge Implementation

We've put together this comprehensive infographic on what to expect during an Allbridge implementation. Whether you choose a data, video, and/or voice solution, our team is equipped to design and implement the solution for your property needs.

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